Marty Travel – May 2024 – Issue 345


Bangkok Bound

Marty O’Neill experiences the hedonistic sights and sounds of Thailand’s capital city.

This was my third visit to this crazy city and Johnny’s first. A total assault on your senses, they say New York never sleeps? Well Bangkok will never cease! It’s fast and furious. It’s polluted, noisy and bonkers in places yet you rarely hear a horn toot or a raised voice. In fact, you won’t hear a raised voice at all – it’s very bad manners in Thai culture. Even though the city runs at a crazy pace day and night the one thing that won’t go unnoticed is the smiling happy faces of the people. Thailand is often referred to as the land of smiles and it’s very true and something that you’ll see even in the big cities.

Read more in the May issue…


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