Bathrooms – October 2023 – Issue 338


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Bathrooms needn’t be cold and bland; experimenting with patterns and colours can transform your bathroom into a vibrant and beautiful space.

PLAY WITH PAINT – Paint is an easy and affordable way to add a punch of colour to your bathroom. Bathrooms can be a retreat, a way of unwinding or a place to refresh and start the day, so think about the colours you use and the mood you want to create. Use calming pale blues and greens to create a tranquil feel or for warmth, amber and terracotta, shown here, work well. For a touch of drama, paint one wall in a dark hue to make a focal point, alternatively paint a whole room including the ceiling to make a perfect pamper space. When making brave choices with colour it’s also worth considering them as part of the wider, cohesive colour scheme – used in isolation, the surprise can sometimes be too jarring!

Read more in the October issue…


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