Gardening – January 2019 – Issue 283


New Year Resolutions for your Garden

Every now and again, a much loved planting scheme in a garden can become a bit tired and jaded.

Getting out into the garden in January can be hard to contemplate when the cold winter weather can be atrocious. However, there are many jobs which can be done in preparation for the gardening year to come, if you’re prepared to venture out into the winter cold.

If you’re planning to grow some vegetables in the garden in 2019, now is the time to start thinking of what to sow. Start by getting a seed catalogue and make a list of what you will manage to grow and more importantly what you will actually get around to eating.

Now is the time to sow leeks, onions, broad bean, hardy peas, spinach and carrots under cover, using a cloche to protect your seedlings. You can also start tomatoes in a heated greenhouse for an early crop. If you are planning to grow potatoes in the spring, now is the time to start to chit early seed potatoes for sowing in March or April.

Read more in the January issue…


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